Naturopathic Services

Thorough, longer appointments allow me to explore your concerns and health history in great detail.

How I can help you:

Provide answers by getting to the root of your concerns.
Help you become the healthiest version of yourself.
Individualized recommendations to cut out the trial and error and uncertainty.
Longer visits so you feel heard.
Thorough testing if needed.
A photo of Dr. Michelle McKee ND.
Dr.Michelle McKee ND.

What to Expect:

Initial Visit:

This 60min appointment takes a deep dive into your health history and explores your current goals and symptoms. Having a detailed intake form filled out in advance will help make this appointment as efficient as possible.


Next Steps:

This varies! It could mean more blood work to help guide treatment, diving into some acupuncture treatments, starting with dietary changes, getting stress support, etc. The starting place depends on patient preference and what Michelle feels is most indicated.


What to Bring:

If you have updated blood work, please bring to your visit or email ahead of time - Optional: bring 7 days of dietary tracking to provide a sample baseline diet.


Phases of Treatment:

Individual treatment plans will be discussed on the second visit. Michelle breaks down the treatment plan into phases and schedules follow-up appointments accordingly. For example, if dysbiosis (altered gut microbiome) is suspected, Michelle does not focus on nutrient status until dysbiosis has been corrected, to ensure that absorption is optimal.

“Health is the soul that animates all the enjoyments of life, which fade and are tasteless without it."

Explore Services

Dr. Michelle McKee ND working on her computer.


Running additional blood tests and/or functional tests can help us determine underlying causes to your symptoms. It provides more information on things like: nutrient status, blood sugar balance, blood fat levels, etc. to allow the treatment plan to be more targeted and specific.

Freshly made green juice displayed on a wooden table.

Nutritional Support

What we eat and when we eat can have a profound influence on our energy levels, sleep quality, hormones and gut health. I help patients learn how to select certain meals to ensure their nutritional needs are supported without spending hours in the kitchen.

Dr. Michelle McKee ND.

Custom Health Plans

Signs and symptoms from thorough Initial Assessment + Blood work + Patient Goals = Detailed health plan that includes custom supplement plan, food-based recommendations, and other individualized strategies.

Photo by Antonika Chanel on Unsplash


Michelle has been trained in Traditional Chinese Medicine-based acupuncture, where points are selected based on the channel or meridian. Most commonly, acupuncture is used in Michelle's practice as an adjunct to mental health plans to lower stress and anxiety, chronic pain management, and menstrual health complaints.

A Naturopathic Doctor using cupping therapy on a patient.


Michelle has received additional training in Modern Cupping Therapy where she uses a variety of techniques: sliding, stationary and lymphatic applications to improve soft tissue pliability, structure and function. Cupping is most often used for: muscle tension, tension headaches, relaxation, chronic pain, and sports performance.

Dr. Michelle McKee ND. reading a book.

Bioidentical Hormone Therapy

Michelle has obtained additional certification through her college in order to prescribe bioidentical hormone therapy. Most commonly, this is used to support women in perimenopause and menopause to address symptoms like: vaginal dryness, hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and insomnia.

“I meet patients with where they're at. I strive for that sweet spot of providing enough strategies that will  make a difference in how they're feeling, but avoid making it overwhelming and unrealistic."

Book a 15min Complimentary Call

Whether you're interested in the online program, telemedicine appointments, or in-person care, let's discuss your goals further to make sure we'd be a good fit for each other. There is no cost to this call.

A photo of Dr. Michelle McKee ND.